Last Site Update: December 20th, 2024 | Latest Version: 12.2.0 |
Code CompletionRequesting Code CompletionCode completion provides context-sensitive completions and is enabled with Ctrl+Space. (Note that eclipse has simple emacs-style text-completion with Alt+/). It's important to note that your interpreter must be properly configured for the code-completion to work, and for getting the builtins, PyDev spawns a shell, so, having a firewall can prevent the code-completion from working if it's blocking the communication from eclipse to that shell. PreferencesIf you want to configure something, you have to go to window > preferences > PyDev > Editor > Code Completion. SnapshotsCompleting on a variable on the class (also works for locals) that are defined in the same scope we are.Getting the builtins.Completing on a class (note that we get the hierarchy even from builtins).Completing for making an import (goes for PYTHONPATH)Completing on an importCompleting for global tokens (handles wild-imports, local imports, local variables, etc.)
PyDev developmentPyDev is open source and depends on your contributions! This may be in the form of bug fixes, answers on stackoverflow, new features...Another option is financially supporting it at: Patreon (which provides a way to support it monthly and get rewards starting with $1). Or through 1-time contributions at: Paypal Search PyDev-related content |
Copyright: Brainwy Software Ltda, 2014-2021 |