Last Site Update: March 2nd, 2025 | Latest Version: 13.0.2







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Code Completion

Type hinting with docstrings/comments

New on PyDev 2.8.0

It's possible to provide hints for code-completion with docstrings by commenting types with the Sphinx/Epydoc format.

Below are some examples of how to provide type-hints.

List type with Sphinx (PyDev 4.0 onwards)

Note: It works with brackets or parenthesis:

class MyClass:

    def method(self, param):
        ':type param: list(str)'
        ':type param: list[str]'

Dict type with Sphinx (PyDev 4.0 onwards)

Note: It works with brackets or parenthesis:

class MyClass:

    def method(self, param):
        ':type param: dict(str, MyClass)'
        ':type param: dict[str, MyClass]'

Return type with Sphinx

class MyClass:

    def method(self):
        ':rtype unittest.TestCase'

Parameter type with Sphinx

class MyClass:

    def method(self, a):
        ':type a: TestCase'
        #Note that just the class name is accepted, but in this case,
        #it'll search for a TestCase class in the whole workspace

Parameter type with Sphinx inline

class MyClass:

    def method(self, a):
        ':param TestCase a:'

Local variable with Sphinx

class MyClass:

    def method(self, lst):
        #Can be on the same line
        for a in lst: #: :type a: GUITest

Local variable with Sphinx

class MyClass:

    def method(self, lst):
        #Or on the line before
        #: :type a: GUITest
        for a in lst:

Local variable with Sphinx

class MyClass:

    def method(self, lst):
        #If commented as a docstring must be on the
        #line after
        for a in lst:
            ': :type a: GUITest'

Return type with Epydoc

class MyClass:

    def method(self):
        '@rtype unittest.TestCase'

Parameter type with Epydoc

class MyClass:

    def method(self, a):
        '@type a: TestCase'
        #Note that just the class name is accepted, but in this case,
        #it'll search for a TestCase class in the whole workspace

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