Last Site Update: March 2nd, 2025 | Latest Version: 13.0.2







PyDev PyDev on VSCode LiClipse

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    PyDev for VSCode may be evaluated for 30 days but must be bought for continued use.

    See: license info for details.

    Licenses may be purchased using Paypal and will be delivered to the e-mail specified during the checkout process.

    Promotional launch licensing price is USD 40.00.

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    Note: your license should be delivered within a day after your purchase is completed (remember to check your spam folder too). If you don't find it within that timeframe, please contact fabiofz (at) gmail (dot) com.

PyDev on Visual Studio Code

Although PyDev is a Python IDE commonly used along with Eclipse, it's now possible to leverage the features from PyDev on Visual Studio Code.

PyDev on VSCode leverages many features that make PyDev unique inside of Visual Studio Code, such as dealing with multiple projects, code-completion, code-analysis, go to definition, etc.

See below for a list of features available.

  • Multiple projects handling

    • Since 0.14.0, PyDev can detect multiple projects in the workspace (when a project is detected, all other features such as code-completion, code-analysis, go to definition, etc. will be based on the interpreter/source folders detected in the given project).
  • Code-completion

    • Fast
    • Context sensitive
    • Common tokens
    • Context insensitive with auto import
    • Templates (since 0.5.0)
  • Code formatter

    • Fast
    • Format ranges
    • Format on type
    • Since 0.5.0 supports using Black, Ruff and autopep8 as the formatter (see related python.pydev.formatter setting -- for example, after installing Ruff in the python environment enable Ruff to be the formatter used by setting python.pydev.formatter to ruff).
    • Since 0.6.0, supports import sorting as a part of the code formatting (using isort or one of the internal formatters).
  • Code analysis

    • Real time using PyDev semantic analyzer.

    • Since 0.5.0 also supports using MyPy, Ruff, PyLint and Flake8 for linting when a file is saved (see related python.pydev.lint.* settings -- for example, after installing MyPy in the python environment, enable MyPy code analysis through the python.pydev.lint.mypy.use setting)

  • Go to definition

  • Symbols for Workspace

  • Symbols for open editor

  • Find references

  • Quick fix for undefined variables (adds missing import)

  • Code assists:

    • Create/update docstring
    • Surround with try..except, with, etc.
    • Convert string to f-string
    • Wrap text
    • Create classes/functions/modules
  • Navigate to previous or next class or method (Ctrl+Shift+Up, Ctrl+Shift+Down)

  • Debugging (with the required Python Debugger (PyDev) extension (since 0.5.0))

  • Initial integration with the Testing view (since 0.7.0)

    • Note: currently just updates tests for the currently opened file and doesn't load all workspace tests.

Download and installation

For details on installing and getting it running, see: Download


For information on using PyDev on Visual Studio Code see: Manual.


For information on the settings which affect PyDev on Visual Studio Code see: Settings.


See: History for details on releases.

Copyright: Brainwy Software Ltda, 2014-2025