History For PyDev on VSCode
Release 0.15.0
Release 0.14.1
Bugfix release:
- When VSCode itself is run in debug, don't automatically add agentlib vmargs for debugging (python.pydev.ls.vmargs) can be used for that.
- This could make the extension fail to start.
Release 0.14.0
Release focus on multi-project support!
- Added command
PyDev: Clear caches to clear internal caches and restart the Language Server
- This can be used as an escape hatch when the Language Server is returning outdated information or if the project structure has changed.
- Multiple projects and interpreters in the workspace are now detected and used by PyDev by using the information in a
pyproject.toml , venv , conda or Sema4ai VSCode Extension (which automatically creates an interpreter based on package.yaml /robot.yaml files) -- please report if you need support for other tools or if the existing heuristics don't work for your project structure.
- Searching for multiple projects is enabled by default but can be disabled by setting
python.pydev.autoDetectProjects to false (when disabled, just a single project is used for the whole workspace using the python.pydev.pythonInterpreter and python.pydev.pythonPath settings).
- See: https://www.pydev.org/vscode/multipleprojectshandling.html for more details.
- When opening a definition, PyDev will now prefer to open the actual source file instead of a file just with the definitions in
typeshed (although if it cannot be found, typeshed will still be used).
- Using
ruff check instead of ruff in ruff integration (command line breakage from ruff).
Release 0.13.0
- Using
runfiles.py from Python Debugger (PyDev) extension (when available) to run tests.
- Along with the updated
Python Debugger (PyDev) version 0.0.5 provides support for debugging Python 3.13 .
Release 0.12.0
- Preliminary support for Python 3.13 (note: the debugger still doesn't support it, but it'll follow soon).
- Fix in assist docstring: properly updates docstring even if the signature spans multiple lines.
- Support for
Annotated[cls] in type inference engine.
- Support for type alias declaration (Python 3.12 syntax fix). i.e.: the following syntax is supported:
type Point[T] = tuple[T, T] .
- Support for type parameters (Python 3.12 syntax fix). i.e.: the following syntax is supported:
class A[T]: ... / def foo[T](x: T): ... .
Release 0.11.0
- New code assists to create classes/functions/modules
- Examples:
- If
method is not found in self.method() , a code assist to create method in the current class is provided.
- If
MyClass is undefined, a code assist to create a class such as MyClass is provided.
- If
import my_module points to an undefined module, a code assist to create a my_module is provided.
- When the interpreter is changed all open editors have code analysis re-requested.
- Created new command:
PyDev: Force code analysis (to force code analysis in the current file).
- Fixed issue where AST cache was not properly refreshed when a file was removed.
- Fixed issue where the AST cache from the current (dirty) editor contents was not properly updated.
Release 0.10.1
- Fixed issue which could lead to RecursionError initializing the language server when restoring the interpreter info internally.
- When adding a local import (when setting
"python.pydev.preferredImportLocation": "topOfMethod" ), an import added for unresolved variables inside a method definition arguments is properly added as a global import.
- When a completion for arguments in a method call is provided it's made the default.
Release 0.10.0
- Improved the workspace symbols matching:
- It now considers the match with the name + module (which can be matched in VSCode with ).
- It now matches without having to add wildcard chars (
* ) as VSCode didn't match when wildcards were actually added (which resulted in no symbols being shown).
- New code assist to convert a string to an f-string.
- New code assist to assign to local or field.
- New code assist to wrap text in a comment or string (customize through setting:
python.pydev.text.wrap.columns ).
- The code assist for
Surround with try..except is now Surround with try..except Exception .
- Improved command
Config: Select Python Interpreter to show previously selected interpreters and to allow to choose from conda environments.
Release 0.9.0 (2024-09-03)
- Code assist to create/update docstring.
- Code assist to surround with try..except, with, etc.
- Following link when deciding whether 2 different folders are the same to determine whether it's part of the project or interpreter information.
Release 0.8.0 (2024-08-25)
- Created commands to run/debug current file with PyDev launch.
- Customizable through a launch configuration with
request: "run-file-template" .
- Code lenses in
if __name__== "__main__" to Run/Debug the current file.
- Fixed new lines on test results.
Release 0.7.1 (2024-06-23)
- Fixed issue where methods not starting with
test were being collected as tests.
- Added more information to the
Show PyDev Configuration Information command.
Release 0.7.0 (2024-05-28)
- Initial integration with the Testing view
- Note: currently just updates tests for the currently opened file and doesn't load all workspace tests.
Release 0.6.0 (2024-05-11)
- Added support for import sorting as a part of the code formatting (using isort or one of the internal formatters).
Release 0.5.1 (2024-05-06)
- Fixed issue where
code action to fix undefined import didn't work properly.
Release 0.5.0 (2024-05-05)
- Created command: PyDev: Config: Select Python Interpreter
- Better UI to show different generated logs.
- Javascript contents now minified.
- Using Java 17 now.
- Updated to PyDev 12.0.0.
- Updated to Eclipse 4.30.
- Updated to lsp4j 0.21.2.
- Added templates to code-completion.
- Supports using as the formatter:
- Black
- Ruff
- autopep8
- See related python.pydev.formatter setting.
- Example: after installing Ruff in the Python environment, enable Ruff to be the formatter used by setting python.pydev.formatter to ruff.
- Supports using for linting (when a file is saved):
- MyPy
- Ruff
- PyLint
- Flake8
- See related python.pydev.lint settings.
- Example: after installing MyPy in the Python environment, enable MyPy code analysis through the python.pydev.lint.mypy.use setting.
- Running / Debugging (with the required Python Debugger (PyDev) extension):
- Run a Python program (path/to/script.py) (set program in the launch configuration).
- Run a Python module (python -m ) (set module in the launch configuration).
- Attach to a Python program waiting for a connection:
- The Python program must call import pydevd;pydevd.settrace(host="", port=port, protocol="dap").
- An attach launch configuration with an attach mode must be run.
- Start a server which waits for incoming connections:
- An attach launch configuration with a server mode must be run.
- The Python program must call import pydevd;pydevd.settrace(host="", port=port, protocol="dap").
- In Python 3.12, uses new APIs for very low overhead debugging.
- In other Python versions, it can also leverage the Python frame eval for fast debugging (though it falls back to tracing once a breakpoint is hit).
- Supports many features such as:
- Line breakpoints:
- Expression
- Hit Count
- Log message
- Exception breakpoints
- Step in
- Step into target
- Jump to line (Set next line execution)
- Step over
- Step Return
- Change variable
- Debug Console evaluation
- View variables
- Customize variables
- Auto attach to subprocesses
- Start attach in server mode
- Attach to waiting program
- Launch in run or debug mode
Release 0.4.0 (2023-05-07)
- Startup improvements:
- If Java cannot be found, adds option to download it.
Release 0.3.0 (2022-03-05)
- Updated to PyDev 9.3.0.
- Java 11 is now required.
Release 0.2.4 (2020-06-13)
- Critical bugfix getting quick fixes.
- Critical bugfix for method navigation.
- Critical bugfix for code formatting.
Release 0.2.3 (2020-06-09)
- Critical bugfix getting the workspace folders.
- Critical bugfix getting settings.
Release 0.2.1 (2020-06-05)
- Upgraded to PyDev 7.5.0:
- Support for Python 3.8
- Multiple improvements in type inference
- Improvements in code formatting
- Improvements on auto import location
IMPORTANT: After an update to LSP4J, some functionality stopped working properly.
Please make sure to use 0.2.4 where those issues were solved.
Release 0.1.5 (2018-05-05)
- Fixed issue validating license.
- Upgraded to PyDev 6.3.3:
- Code formatter properly working with matrix multiplication @=.
Release 0.1.4 (2018-03-17)
- Fixed issue starting language server when no workspace is opened.
- Upgraded to PyDev 6.3.2:
- Improvements in type inference.
Release 0.1.3 (2018-02-26)
- Upgraded to PyDev 6.3.1:
- Improvements in type inference.
Release 0.1.2 (2018-02-26)
- Fix parsing f-strings.
- Fix restoring workspace symbols information from cache.
- No longer require
__init__ in folders to consider it a package (Python 3 no longer needs __init__ files in each package).
- Update code which gets Java executable to start the server when unable to find from a variable.
- Show at most 300 items when getting workspace symbols to avoid delay in VS Code when returning too many items.
Release 0.1.1 (2018-02-19)
- Properly register command to show PyDev configuration on server.
Release 0.1.0 (2018-02-19)
Initial release.
- Code completion:
- Fast
- Context sensitive
- Common tokens
- Context insensitive with auto import
- Code formatter:
- Fast
- Format ranges
- Format on type
- Code analysis:
- Go to definition
- Symbols for Workspace
- Symbols for open editor
- Find references
- Quick fix for undefined variables (adds missing import)
- Navigate to previous or next class or method (Ctrl+Shift+Up, Ctrl+Shift+Down)