Last Site Update: March 2nd, 2025 | Latest Version: 13.0.2 |
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|| the extension can't find the java executable, this setting can be used to specify the java home folder (which has /bin/java inside it). Note: requires restarting vscode to the java executable used to launch PyDev. Note: requires restarting vscode python.pydev.pythonExecutableThe python executable to be used (if not specified, python is expected to be in the PATH). Note: if See: Multiple projects handling for more information. python.pydev.pythonPathA list of folders that should be added to the PYTHONPATH and should be considered source folders (i.e.: folders with the sources meant to be edited by the user). If not specified, the folders which are in the PYTHONPATH and are available below a workspace in vscode will be considered as source folders (and if there's no match, each workspace folder in vscode will be considered a source folder). Note: if See: Multiple projects handling for more information. python.pydev.forcedBuiltinsA list of additional modules to be inspected through a shell (see PyDev Interpreter Configuration - Forced Builtins for more information). python.pydev.preferredImportLocationThe preferred import location to be used on auto-imports and quick-fix to determine the location to add an import. Must be one of:
editor.formatOnTypeWhen format on type is turned on, PyDev will automatically add some of its auto-editions (such as adding self on a method automatically or closing a method with ):). python.pydev.askInstallDebuggerWhether to ask to install Note: requires restarting vscode python.pydev.autoDetectProjectsWhen set to true (default), the Language Server will automatically try to detect python interpreters and PYTHONPATH folders in the workspace and scope them to a folder (project). When set to false, only python.pydev.format.manageBlankLinesWhether blank-lines should be managed by the code formatter. python.pydev.lint.mypy.useWhether linting should be done using Mypy. python.pydev.lint.mypy.argsThe arguments passed to mypy. python.pydev.lint.mypy.showOutputWhether the raw output of Mypy should be shown in OUTPUT > PyDev (Mypy). python.pydev.lint.pylint.useWhether linting should be done using PyLint. python.pydev.lint.pylint.argsThe arguments passed to PyLint. python.pydev.lint.pylint.showOutputWhether the raw output of PyLint should be shown in OUTPUT > PyDev (PyLint). python.pydev.lint.pylint.E.severityThe severity for E (error) messages. python.pydev.lint.pylint.W.severityThe severity for W (warning) messages. python.pydev.lint.pylint.F.severityThe severity for F (fatal) messages. python.pydev.lint.pylint.C.severityThe severity for C (coding standard) messages. python.pydev.lint.pylint.R.severityThe severity for R (refactor) messages. python.pydev.lint.pylint.I.severityThe severity for I (information) messages. python.pydev.lint.flake8.useWhether linting should be done using Flake8. python.pydev.lint.flake8.argsThe arguments passed to Flake8. python.pydev.lint.flake8.showOutputWhether the raw output of Flake8 should be shown in OUTPUT > PyDev (Flake8). python.pydev.lint.flake8.severityMapThe severity map that flake8 should use. python.pydev.lint.ruff.useWhether linting should be done using Ruff. python.pydev.lint.ruff.argsThe arguments passed to Ruff. python.pydev.lint.ruff.showOutputWhether the raw output of Ruff should be shown in OUTPUT > PyDev (Ruff). python.pydev.formatterCode formatter to use (one of: pydevf, autopep8, black, ruff). python.pydev.sortImportsOnFormatThe sort importer engine to use (one of: no, pydev:pep8, pydev:regular, isort). python.pydev.tests.runnerThe test runner to use (one of: pytest, pydev-unittest, node). python.pydev.tests.runner.pytest.argsThe arguments to use for pytest. python.pydev.tests.runner.pydev-unittest.argsThe arguments to use for the pydev unittest runner. python.pydev.tests.runner.nose.argsThe arguments to use for the nose runner. python.pydev.docstring.characterThe character to be used to create docstrings. python.pydev.docstring.styleThe style for docstring generation. python.pydev.docstring.generateTypeWhether type declarations should be generated in docstrings. python.pydev.docstring.skipTypeGenerationPrefixesComma-separated string. When python.pydev.text.wrap.columnsNumber of columns to text-wrap in code action. python.pydev.conda.locationLocation of conda executable, used to find and manage conda environments. python.pydev.decorations.pySourceFolderContents.enabledWhen true, 'py' decorations are shown for contents considered to be in the PYTHONPATH by PyDev. |
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